Posted on: 04-02-2024
In Hoorn you can find the largest city beach from the Netherlands. A unique place on the Markermeer. Beach bed, cocktails and of course buckets of sand. Studio Kruizinga made a very beautyful design of the steel lighting columns, which we were commissioned by Klaver Giant Group.
Let the summer begin!
interested in a product of PMF?
The two branches of PMF Stalen Masten are closed due to the collective company holiday from Friday, August 2nd, 2024 till and include Sunday, August 25th, 2024. From Monday, August 26th, 2024, we are more than happy to answer to your requests. We wish you a nice summer.
In 2024, PMF will be present as exibitor at the following trade shows: ^Infra Relatiedagen, Hardenberg, Netherlands, Tuesday 6th until and include Thursday 8th February 2024 ^Light & Building, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Sunday 3rd until and include Friday 8th March 2024 ^Ruimte en Licht, Houten, Netherlands, Thursday 6th June 2024 ^Innotrans, Berlijn, Germany, Tuesday…
Five years ago, PMF was the first manufacturer and supplier of passive safety steel lighting columns with a height up to 15 meters. which was classified in class 100NE3. In 2014, PMF created a new revolution with the development and certification of a passive safety lighting columns usable for all* kind of soils. PMF developed…